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Fridays for Climate Justice

Fridays for Climate Justice

Fridays for Climate Justice

Climate Strike

Climate Strike
Image Credit: Fridays for Climate Justice FU Berlin

We want to bring the protest for climate justice to the FU! 

All are cordially invited to join us. We meet during the lecture period every Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. s.t. in Galileo (Rost- und Silberlaube, Otto von Simson Str. 26, 1st floor, above Mensa II).

We are a grassroots democratic university group of the nationwide Fridays For Future movement. Since April 2019, we have been meeting regularly, organizing campus activities and striking together with the Berlin local group every Friday.

In the first months after our foundation we:

  • formulated and passed a list of demands for the university management at a student general assembly in June 2019
  • organized an action week together with the Berlin local group in September 2019
  • conducted discussions with university representatives
  • organised an alternative teaching programme with a focus on climate as part of the nationwide climate strike week in November 2019
  • invited scientists to the Lectures For Future to talk about their views on the climate crisis during the winter semester 19/20.

This was obviously not completely in vain. The university declared a state of climate emergency at the end of 2019 and wants to achieve climate neutrality on campus by 2025. But for climate neutrality on paper to become a real net zero, the protest must continue.

In the near future, we want to launch more campus campaigns, continue the Lectures For Climate Justice, but also have an impact beyond the university.

Any other ideas? Tell us:





Or preferably every Wednesday at the meeting.

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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