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The living room is back!

Living Room

Living Room
Image Credit: Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management

Sit back and relax or play a round of table football – together with Berlin’s City Cleaning Department BSR we once again set up our cozy living room on campus.

News from Apr 23, 2019

Whether to chat, work or just hang out – our secondhand living room is the perfect place for a relaxed get-together for all students and employees of FU. You may have already seen it in front of the lecture halls in rust and silver lodge in the past weeks. Now you find it in the foyer of the Mensa II.

It is the third time that we organized this living room campaign with BSR. Our aim with it is not only to create a cozy meeting point but also to raise awareness and to encourage waste avoidance and the preservation of resources. For this reason our project partner BSR is providing the furniture from its share and give-away market.

Did you know? BSR hosts the online platform “Tausch- und Verschenkemarkt” where furniture and other items are looking for a new home. So if you like our furniture from the living room, take a look at the BSR platform! Maybe you can find some true treasures here.

FU Berlin has a similar platform which is called “FUndgrube”. Here you can find different items that are given away or offered for swapping or sharing.



Sustainability and Energy Management Unit

Melanie Quilitz


+49 30 838 57551

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Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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