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Fashion Revolution Week 2019

Fashion Revolution Week 2019

Fashion Revolution Week 2019
Image Credit: Fashion Revolution

Themed “feminism, sustainability and fast fashion? (How) do all these go together?” the initiative Sustain It! is taking a critical glance at the textile industry during this year’s Fashion Revolution Week from 22. - 28.04.2019. The focus questions is: “who made my clothes?“

News from Apr 25, 2019

Fashion Revolution Week dates back to the collapse of the Rana Plaza building on April 24 in 2013, which killed more than 1.000 people – mostly female textile workers – and injured many more.

The collapse of the factory building in Bangladesh led to the foundation of a worldwide Fashion Revolution movement which is fighting against social and ecological exploitation and for transparency in the global supply chains of the textile industry. Although the disaster of Rana Plaza took place six years ago the production conditions for the workers have not yet improved significantly and the environmental consequences of the textile industry are still disastrous. The hashtag #whomademyclothes points to the problems behind fast fashion and directly addresses brands to become transparent about their production and supply chains.

Within the framework of the global Fashion Revolution Week Sustain It! - the initiative for Sustainability + Climate Protection organized a variety of activities on April 23 and 24.

Sustain It! invited students and staff to a clothes swap and a film screening, set up a photo booth, and also gave a performance that criticized the anonymization and inhuman working conditions in the textile factories.

To see the pictures from the photo booth and to get an impression of the performance check out the facebook pages of Sustain It! and FU.

Since Fashion Revolution Week is still on (and of course also beyond), it is up to you to keep asking #whomademyclothes and to stand up for a sustainable and fair fashion industry!

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Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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