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Pilot Phase: Funding Support for Open Access Books

From now on Freie Universität offers funding to co-finance open access monographs and anthologies.

News from Sep 13, 2018

Freie Universität offers funding to co-finance the publication costs (Book Processing Charges, BPCs) of so far unpublished open access monographs and anthologies.ublication costs will be reimbursed up to the maximum of 6.000 EUR (incl. VAT).
The funding support offered was established from the budgetary resources of Freie Universität Berlin and is managed by the University Library. The pilot phase runs from 12 September 2018 till 31 January 2019.

Information on funding conditions and application process: www.fu-berlin.de/en/open-access/finanzierung/monogr-sammelbaende/

If you require any further information on open access funding, please contact the Editorial Team Dokumentenserver at: edocs@ub.fu-berlin.de.

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