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Luisa Moore

Luisa Moore

PhD Candidate

Australian National University

Luisa Moore completed Honours in English at Monash University and holds a Diploma in Visual Arts from The University of Melbourne. She is currently in her third year of postgraduate study at the Australian National University. She has delivered papers at international as well as Australian universities, including the University of Cambridge and Chungbuk National University, South Korea. She is completing her research under the supervision of Kate Flaherty, Alexander (Sasha) Grishin and Peter Groves.

Textual Critique through the Artist’s Eye: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Visual Interpretations of Hamlet and Ophelia

Luisa Moore's project explores how the non-explicit mode of interpretation typical of visual arts allowed a number of Victorian and Edwardian artists to subvert stereotypical receptions of Hamlet and Ophelia without, perhaps, being fully aware of what they were doing. She proposes a revised methodology linking art historical and literary approaches whereby symbolism, allusion, and mimesis in an artwork are investigated separately with regard to the play’s text in order to establish what new interpretations of character interiority might reside there.