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Call for Contributions for Workshop I: “The Use of Knowledge for Sustainability Transitions”

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger (HTW Berlin)

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger (HTW Berlin)
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

The workshop chaired by Prof. Dr. Carsten Dreher (FUB), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger (HTW Berlin), Carsten Schwäbe, Myriam Preiss, Daniel Weiss (FUB) focuses on the challenges in the dynamic development and diffusion of new knowledge for sustainability transition.

News from Dec 12, 2018

The workshop aims at bridging insights and theoretical concepts considering the use of knowledge for sustainability transitions from different disciplines. While during the first day we will engage in presentations and discussions, the second day is dedicated to define practical implications for state and industry actors, and research implications for academia, and to spur further collaboration amongst the workshop members.

We invite contributions from scholars of different disciplines – including abstracts about new unfinished, conceptual ideas. During the workshop in April presentations of projects can be done either by a short presentation (15 minutes with 10 minutes discussion afterwards) or during a poster presentation session, which is recommended, especially, for PhD students.

Please, send your abstracts (600-900 words) to ls-dreher@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de until 31st January 2019. The confirmations for the workshop will be sent out on 6th February 2019.

Read the complete Call for Contributions here.

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