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Call for Contributions for Workshop III: “Education for Sustainability (EfS): Sharing and Strengthening the Teaching and Learning”

Robert Van Wynsberghe

Robert Van Wynsberghe
Image Credit: Martin Dee

Sustainable Education

Sustainable Education
Image Credit: CC0

The workshop on April 02-03, 2019 chaired by Prof. Robert VanWynsberghe (UBC), Prof. Nina Kolleck (FUB) focuses on the use of EfS for sustainability practitioners.

News from Dec 12, 2018

In this workshop chaired by Prof. Robert VanWynsberghe (UBC) and Prof. Nina Kolleck (FUB), we continue the EfS tradition. We aim to work together to learn about and co‐develop a range of activities that promote the development of trans‐disciplinary sustainability courses and programs, strengthen capacity for problem‐oriented pedagogies and community‐engaged practice, and increase the types of experiential research opportunities for students.

Workshop participants contribute to the workshop by sending an abstract of the research project they want to present – including abstracts about new unfinished, conceptual ideas.

Please, send your abstracts (600‐900 words) to n.kolleck@fu‐berlin.de or robert.vanwynsberghe@ubc.ca until 31th January 2019.

During the workshop, (April 2nd – 3rd, 2019), presentations of projects can be done either by a short presentation (10 minutes with 15 minutes discussion afterwards) or by a poster presentation session, which is recommended, especially, for PhD students.

Read the complete Call for Contributions including possible presentation subjects here.


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