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Workshop: “From Innovation to Acceptance: Challenges and Potentials of a Sustainable Energy Transition”



This digital workshop on October 21, 4-6 pm (CET) focuses on the diffusion and acceptance process of sustainable technology innovations.

News from Jul 01, 2020

The shift to a sustainable energy system is closely linked to the diffusion of innovations. This process has multiple dimensions – socio-political, community-, and market-based – that must be considered holistically. Research shows the growing role of social acceptance and its potential as a constraining factor. Therefore, the social dimension has become equally as important as technological aspects for a successful sustainable energy transition.

The workshop organized by Dr. Maria Rosaria di Nucci (Environmental Policy Research Center FFU, FU Berlin) and Bettina Tacke (Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management, FU Berlin) aims to bring together key research findings from the acceptance and social science research on various energy systems and discusses potential solutions that arise from analyzing these similarities. We will examine best practices, identify obstacles and drivers, and finally analyze the conditions for a successful implementation.

Please find  further information on the research workshop here.

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