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Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

The Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses works to ensure that study conditions at Freie Universität Berlin meet the requirements of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses according to Section 28a of the Berlin Higher Education Act. To this end, they have the right to access all necessary and relevant information and to participate, submit applications, and speak on all boards of the university. However, the representative at Freie Universität Berlin does not offer counseling to students in individual cases. They support the office in cases of conflict and in clarifying key questions.

Pursuant to Section 28a of the Berlin Higher Education Act, the following person has been assigned as representative:

Prof. Dr. Olaf Muthorst
Department of Law
Room 315, Van't-Hoff-Straße 8, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: 030 838 63131, Fax: 030 838 450633
Email: sekretariat-muthorst@rewiss.fu-berlin.de


Deputy: Prof. Sascha Hein (researcher field: special education)