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New publication by UAS Fellow PD Dr. Berthold Kuhn

Journal Article on “Sustainable finance in Germany: mapping discourses, stakeholders, and policy initiatives”

News from Jul 15, 2020

In March 2016 PD Dr. Berthold Kuhn conducted a UAS Senior Research Stay with the topic “Collaborative Governance for Sustainable Development (可持续发展): Discourses and Practices in China” at Peking University. Since then he continued his research in the field of sustainable finance and published his work in the “Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment”. His paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of discourses and initiatives related to the promotion of sustainable finance in Germany. It sheds light on the role and actions of different stakeholders in this field, including government-led policy initiatives, the banking and insurance sector, as well as nonprofit organizations and their networks.

If you are interested in sustainable finance, we recommend to join the workshop on this topic, that Berthold Kuhn will
offer together with Prof. Kurt Hübner from UBC, Canada and Prof. Itay Fishhendler from HUJI, Israel in the framework of our digital UAS conference in October!

The journal article is available here:


For further information on the UAS conference, please visit:


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