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University Alliance for Sustainability: Spring Campus Conference 2018 “Moving Beyond the Ivory Tower: How do Science and Universities Contribute to the Sustainability Transformation?“

During the UAS (Spring Campus) Conference 2018 we welcomed 144 researchers, students and sustainability experts from 14 countries, 35 cities and 42 universities and institutions. The event’s topic “Moving Beyond the Ivory Tower: How do Science and Universities Contribute to the Sustainability Transformation?“ sparked lively discussions among all participants. Coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds, the participants shared their perspectives on the responsibility science and universities should adopt to contribute to the global sustainability discourse. With the conference the Alliance aims to contribute to spreading innovative ideas, interesting research and sustainable campus solutions across the globe and to spark extended dialogue between all stakeholders on campus and beyond.

Here you find the participants list. A complete program is available in our UAS Spring Campus Conference Guide.  

Opening Day Monday, April 09

Moving beyond the Ivory Tower: How do Science and Universities Contribute to the Sustainability Transformation?

Key Notes - Plenary Session Tuesday, April 10

Prof. Jens Rolff: "Evolutionary Management of Drug Resistance"
Prof. Biprajit Sarkar: "Carbon Dioxide: Challenges and Opportunities for Chemistry and Society"

Key Notes - Plenary Session Wednesday, April 11

Prof. Holger Dau: "Solar Fuels Replacing Fossil Fuels - an Alternative “Energiewende” (Energy Transition) Route?"
Prof. Carsten Dreher: "Competing Technological Innovation Systems as a Challenge for Mission-oriented Innovation Policy - Insights from the German “Energiewende"

Workshop I

“Implementing the Agenda 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals) and Climate Policies” chaired by Prof. Sabrina Habich Sobiegalla, Dr. Berthold Kuhn (FUB), Prof. Dai Hancheng (PKU)

Workshop II

“Climate Change Policy and Social Networks” chaired by Prof. Nina Kolleck (FUB), Prof. David Tindall (UBC), Alexandra Goritz (FUB)

Workshop III

“Accelerating Technological Sustainability Transitions by Overcoming Adoption and Diffusion Barriers in Energy Transitions” chaired by Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger, Carsten Schwäbe, Prof. Carsten Dreher (FUB)

Management Workshop

“Sustainability Management at Universities: What is the Critical Impact of Governance?” chaired by Prof. Inka Bormann, Andreas Wanke, Katrin Risch (FUB)

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