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Research Workshop III: “Accelerating Technological Sustainability Transitions by Overcoming Adoption and Diffusion Barriers in Energy Transitions”

Organized by Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger, Carsten Schwäbe, Prof. Dr. Carsten Dreher, Chair of Innovation Management, School of Business and Economics, Freie Universität Berlin

A number of theoretical concepts and policy programs aiming at fostering transitions towards new sustainable technologies already exists – either with a technology-specific or an un-specific perspective. However, industry, but governments as well, create barriers to the adoption and diffusion of these new technologies often because of conflicting interests such as continuing to exploit previous investments (industry) or to sustain work places (state), in particular in those regions depending on established industrial structures. Thus, accelerating transitions towards sustainable technologies includes the discussion about the phase-out of less sustainable practices in firms and in entire economies, too.
The energy transition (comprising the electricity, the mobility and the heating sector) is a good example for challenges of sustainability transitions – as well for exnovation process analyses. In Germany, for instance, even direct subsidies of less sustainable technology paths have existed, e.g. subsidizing the coal industry in the German energy sector. For the debate of the coal phase-out concepts on the transformation of regions where workers depend on this industry sector are still lacking. In consequence, the workshop encourages contributions from the broad field of energy sector issues.
Given that solutions to step out of unsustainable technology paths becomes ever more pressing, we want to focus this workshop on empirical evidence (qualitative and quantitative) and theoretical concepts on different types of challenges and barriers to the adoption and diffusion of sustainable technologies and how industry, society, and the state may remove these barriers. Accordingly, we invite contributions from different disciplines that address this issue at the micro-, meso- and macro-level, including but not limited to:
Concepts and analysis of adoption and diffusion processes of sustainable technologies:
•Transformation of regions and whole industry sectors
•Transformation of technological companies
•Dynamic governance of innovation processes and policy directionality in the context of sustainability transitions
•Demand-sided innovation policy for inducing sustainability transitions in markets
•Exnovation strategies, the role of big incumbent firms and policy instruments
•The significance of start-ups and SMEs for sustainability transitions

Dr. Matti Supponen, European Commission Directorate General for Energy and Transport

"The German Energy Transition Between Renewable Energy Pioneering and Coal Nostalgia"

Carsten Schwäbe & Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger, Freie Universität Berlin

"Innovation and Exnovation in the Energy Sector"

Dr. Martin Kalthaus, Friedrich Schiller Universität

"Factors Influencing the Diffusion of Electric Vehicles in China"

Anjali Ramakrishnan, Technische Universität Berlin

"Investigating the Demand-side Solutions to Addressing Barriers in Energy Transitions: Study of Urban Societies in India"

Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

"Diffusion Dynamics of Sustainable Product and Service Innovation"

Prof. Dr. Sarah Strauss, University of Wyoming

"Experimenting with Energyscapes: Growing up with Solar and Wind in Auroville and Eigg"

Dr. Rainer Quitzow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.

"Understanding Policy Dismantling in the Renewable Energy Sector: A Comparison of Termination of Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Electricity in Span and the Czech Republic"

Zakia Soomauroo, Technische Universität Berlin

"Energy Transition Geography of Small Island Developing States"

Prof. Itay Fishhendler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

"The Geopolitics of Cross-Border Electricity Grids: The Israeli-Arab Case"

Dr. Håkon Endresen Normann, University of Oslo

"Deliberate phase-out of Established Industries"

Gregor Kungl, Universität Stuttgart

"The Incumbent Energy Providers and the Transformation of the German Electricity Sector"

Ass. Prof. Anton Khoroshavin, Saint Petersburg University

"Investigating the Barriers of Sustainability Transitions: Example of Russian Oil and Gas Sector"

Andreas P. Kopp, University College London

"Coordination Capacity for Mission-Oriented Innovation — Brazil’s Solar PV ‘Transition’"

Jens Clausen, Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit gGmbH

Path dependencies in socio-technical regimes of the brown economy