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Implementing Streaming Platforms in Academia

Logo des Projekts ITHAKA

Logo des Projekts ITHAKA
Image Credit: https://sr.ithaka.org/

New Research Project at the University Library

News from Nov 03, 2021

Streaming platforms: Many of us use them for entertainment – but could they also hold significant potential for educational and research purposes on campus? At the University Library, we have started to explore that question by licensing our first streaming platforms.

Starting this november, we will navigate cross-institutional opportunities in order to share user-centered data on licensing streaming platforms and their media within a cohort of 24 universities and their libraries (i.a. Harvard University), collaborating on an international research project led by the non-profit organization ITHAKA S+R.

After an initial research phase, we want to get in touch with you: our users. In early 2022, we will conduct interviews with members of the Freie Universität on expectations and previous experience concerning streaming for academic purposes.

Have you worked with streaming platforms in class? We would like to interview you about your experience! Please send any interest or questions to the project coordinator at Freie Universität’s University Library, Sina Menzel (sina.menzel@fu-berlin.de).

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