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Central Introductory Event

All newly enrolled Bachelor and Master students are invited to the central introductory event. You will get an introduction to campus management, which is the registration system for the courses.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin


from 12.00 h - "Marketplace" with info booths

  • various counseling facilities at the FU Berlin
  • University sports
  • University library
  • StudierendenWerk Berlin and many more

13.00 h - presentation (english: in lecture hall C) and Q&A sessions afterwards
parallel in Audimax, lecture hall A, lecture hall B, in English: lecture hall C

General information on studies

  • Structure of studies
  • Course schedules
  • Organization of studies
  • Campus Management
  • Counselling services
Studienberatung und Psychologische Beratung

This event is organized by the General Academic Advising.

If you have any questions about studying, please first contact the Info-Service Studium at the telephone number 030-838 70000 or the e-mail address info-service@fu-berlin.de.