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Preparation of the internship abroad

In principle, this is possible. Depending on whether and how much Erasmus+ contingent (12 months in total per study phase) is still available to you, you can apply several times. If you are not sure, please contact us.

No, as an Erasmus+ trainee you must not be enrolled at the university, even if you are doing your (research) internship there.

In principle, the writing of theses abroad is not eligible for funding through Erasmus+. However, the preparation or research phase can be funded as an internship. The research results obtained can then be used for the final thesis.

Yes, you have the possibility to receive funding within the 12 months after graduation. This is then a so-called graduate internship. It is important that the application is received during the last phase of your studies, i.e. as long as you are still enrolled at the FU. In addition, you must submit your exmatriculation certificate to us.

If the application deadline of two months before the start of the internship has already passed and you are already preparing your application documents, please contact us. Then, depending on the status of the application documents, we can decide individually whether we can still provide funding.