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Special funding (top ups)

The focus of the new Erasmus+ program generation 2021-27 is to raise awareness among Erasmus+ participants on the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular on the ecological footprint that participants create through their mobility. By financially supporting sustainable means of transport, the number of mobilities with more environmentally friendly means of transport shall be increased and the ecological footprint of the Erasmus+ program shall be reduced.

Furthermore, the guiding themes of social participation and diversity are central core points of the new program generation. With a variety of measures at different levels, the program aims to make a significant contribution to greater equality of opportunity.

The Erasmus+ program promotes low-emission travel. Students who use low-emission means of transport such as bus, train, carpooling, ship for the main part of their trip can receive an additional one-time grant of 50,-€. Additionally, the funding period can be extended. To apply for green travel funding, please hand in the declaration of honor which is available in the application section.

As Erasmus+ Participant you can get a discount on the interrail ticket and use it for either 4 or 6 days within 6 months. More information under: https://www.interrail.eu/de/interrail-passes/erasmus 

Students with a degree of disability of at least 20 and chronic illnesses receive a lump sum of additional 250€ per month for long-term internships of 2 to 12 months. For blended mobility internships or short-term internships (doctoral mobility) abroad special funding is 100€ (physical mobility of 5-14 days) or a one-time special funding 150€ (physical mobility 15-30 days).

If this additional sum does not cover actual costs, persons with a degree of disability of 20 and chronic illnesses or more can submit an application for funding of real additional costs abroad (long application). A grant can only be awarded for requested additional costs if no other national agencies - such as integration offices, health insurance companies, regional associations, social welfare offices, student services - finance them. These must be listed and proven when submitting the application. Additional costs are calculated by comparing the costs of a non-disabled person with those of a disabled person abroad. Further information can be found at https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/media/Antrag-C2-Langantrag_Gefoerderte-mit-Behinderung_2019.pdf. The Erasmus internship team will help you prepare your application. Please submit your documents 2 months before the start of the stay abroad. Please inform us early so that we can advise you in the best possible way!

Preparation of internships abroad for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

The choice of host country and internship site plays a crucial role for students with special needs, contributing to the success of their stay abroad. The internship provider abroad must be informed about the student's special needs in order to meet them and make an internship possible without major problems.

Further Information is available on https://eu.daad.de/infos-fuer-einzelpersonen/foerderung-fuer-studierende-und-graduierte/sonderfoerderung/de/51277-sonderfoerderung-fuer-studierende-mit-behinderung/ (unfortunately only in German).

Information from the FU Berlin on advice and support for disabled and chronically ill students can be found on the following website: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/studium-barrierefrei/index.html.

Students traveling abroad with child:ren for two to twelve months can apply for special funding of an additional €250 per month. For blended mobility internships or short-term internships (doctoral mobility) abroad special funding is 100€ (physical mobility of 5-14 days) or a one-time special funding 150€ (physical mobility 15-30 days). The Erasmus+ Internship Team will help you prepare your application. Please inform us early so that we can advise you in the best possible way!

Preparation of internships for students traveling abroad with child:ren

In addition, a stay abroad with child:ren needs to be well planned. Information on the topic of internships abroad with children can be found here:




Students with a degree of disability of at least 20 and chronic illnesses receive a lump sum of additional 250€ per month for long-term internships of 2 to 12 months. For blended mobility internships or short-term internships (doctoral mobility) abroad special funding is 100€ (physical mobility of 5-14 days) or a one-time special funding 150€ (physical mobility 15-30 days).

If this additional sum does not cover actual costs, persons with a degree of disability of 20 and chronic illnesses or more can submit an application for funding of real additional costs abroad (long application). A grant can only be awarded for requested additional costs if no other national agencies - such as integration offices, health insurance companies, regional associations, social welfare offices, student services - finance them. These must be listed and proven when submitting the application. Additional costs are calculated by comparing the costs of a non-disabled person with those of a disabled person abroad. Further information can be found at https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/media/Antrag-C2-Langantrag_Gefoerderte-mit-Behinderung_2019.pdf. The Erasmus internship team will help you prepare your application. Please submit your documents 2 months before the start of the stay abroad. Please inform us early so that we can advise you in the best possible way!

Preparation of internships abroad for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

The choice of host country and internship site plays a crucial role for students with special needs, contributing to the success of their stay abroad. The internship provider abroad must be informed about the student's special needs in order to meet them and make an internship possible without major problems.

Further Information is available on https://eu.daad.de/infos-fuer-einzelpersonen/foerderung-fuer-studierende-und-graduierte/sonderfoerderung/de/51277-sonderfoerderung-fuer-studierende-mit-behinderung/ (unfortunately only in German).

Information from the FU Berlin on advice and support for disabled and chronically ill students can be found on the following website: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/einrichtungen/service/studierende/behinderte/index.html.

Students whose parents have not obtained an academic degree (UAS or university) can apply for special funding of an additional €250 per month. For blended mobility internships or short-term internships (doctoral mobility) abroad special funding is one-time 100€ (physical mobility of 5-14 days) or a one-time special funding 150€ (physical mobility 15-30 days).

A degree from a university of cooperative education that leads to a degree comparable to a university degree is considered an academic degree.

Courses of study completed abroad by one of the parents, which are not recognized as such in Germany, are also considered to be an academic degree and the Top-Up cannot be applied for.

In the case of single parents, this regulation only applies to the respective parent with whom the child lives.

Students who were employed prior to starting their study abroad program and who are unable to continue their employment while abroad can apply for special funding of an additional €250 per month.

For blended mobility internships or short-term internships (doctoral mobility) abroad special funding is 100€ (physical mobility of 5-14 days) or a one-time special funding 150€ (physical mobility 15-30 days).

Self-employment activities and dual/part-time study programs with a fixed salary are excluded.

For employment subject to social insurance employment applies:

- monthly earnings 450-850 EUR (net earnings of all activities per month)

- Exercise: min. 6 months regularly before the start of mobility