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PROMOS-scholarships are awarded in the following categories:

  • Funding for studies outside of the EU and for research stays worldwide (also for preparing final theses')
  • Funding for internships outside of the EU
  • Funding for language courses worldwide
  • Funding for academic courses, summer schools and similar courses worldwide
  • Funding for group excursions and group competition trips worldwide

FU Berlin’s PhD Students can be funded in the following categories:

  • Funding of language courses worldwide related to research subject
  • Funding of academic courses worldwide related to research subject  
  • and as participants in group excursions and group competition trips worldwide

Multiple enrolment

Students who are enrolled in more than one university apply for PROMOS funding at the university at which they are primarily enrolled and pay their fees. This applies to students who are enrolled at several universities for different subjects, but also, for example, to the Master's degree programs in International Relations (MAIB) and Global History as well as the Bachelor's degree program in Media Informatics. If you are enrolled at FU Berlin and another university and you pay fees at another university, you can only apply for PROMOS at the FU Berlin if you can provide a specific reason (e.g. participation in an exchange programme of FU Berlin, e.g. the central direct exchange programme).

Funding opportunities

Scholarship components

There are three possible funding components: 

  1. Partial scholarship rate (grant amount depends on the country of destination)
  2. Travel grant (grant amount depends on the country of destination and is not based on your actual travel costs)
  3. Course fee grant (only available for language or academic courses if a course fee is due, grant amount is 500€)

Please be aware that the PROMOS scholarship may consist of one or more of the aforementioned components. There is no legal claim to one or more components of the scholarship. Please see the list with current scholarship funding rates for information on the funding rates per country.

Costs for insurance, visa etc. are not covered and funding for tuition fees will not be awarded.

Students with a disability or chronic illness

Students with a degree of disability of at least 50 or a chronic illness can apply for funding for additional expenses incurred in the course of a PROMOS-supported stay abroad, if health insurance and other insurances do not cover the costs. Please contact the PROMOS team directly as early as possible, as we have to place an application at the DAAD at least 2 months in advance.

General Funding conditions and eligibility criteria

For information on the eligibility criteria in the individual funding categories, please see the respective funding conditions per category

Multiple Scholarships

  • PROMOS scholarships can be combined with each other (one student can be funded repeatedly and for more than one project). 
  • The total funding period for studies/research and internship stays within one cycle (Bachelor / Master / PhD) may not exceed six months. In the case of language and academic courses, as well as group trips, the individual maximum funding periods apply (see eligibility requirements and funding conditions in the respective categories).
  • Students who receive a PROMOS scholarship in one study period, can receive PROMOS funding again in a later study period.

Combination with other mobility funding programmes

  • Combination with the Erasmus+ Programme or Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) is not possible. 
  • Combination with other DAAD-programs is also not possible.
  • For combination with other scholarships, see the next section on double funding.

Double funding from German public funds is prohibited

  • Candidates who receive a scholarship financed by German public funds for their stay abroad are not eligible for a PROMOS grant for the same purpose. Examples of those institutions include the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, etc..
  • If you are awarded a PROMOS scholarship, you are required to inform other German scholarship providers. Likewise, PROMOS scholarships are to be reported to the BAföG offices.

Travel Alerts/ Warnings

  • Financial support is only awarded if no travel warnings are issued for the host country from the German Foreign Ministry. In case of partial travel warnings, funding is only possible for travel to areas for which no travel warnings apply. In these cases, students can decide on their own responsibility to travel and make use of the funding.
  • Please check the website with information for things to do after submitting a PROMOS application for important safety information. 

Please also be aware of the eligibility requirements that apply to the individual funding categories and that can be found on the pages of the respective categories (for example, minimum and maximum durations of stay etc.): see https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/international/studium_ausland/promos/Bewerbung.html


What if I don’t qualify for a PROMOS scholarship?

The Ernst Reuter society also offers scholarships to students of FU Berlin. These are generally intended for trips that are not covered by PROMOS. Please find further information on the website of the Ernst-Reuter-Geselschaft

In addition, the DAAD created the DAAD-database which gives students the opportunity to search for matching scholarship opportunities.