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German and French Literature and Cultural Studies

For this study program, the language level B2 CEFR in French is required. It is recommended to inform yourself about the language test for applicants at the Language Center of Freie Universität.

- Mono bachelor

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
Daniel Zimmermann
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin

The monobachelor's degree in Franco-German Literary and Cultural Studies is an undergraduate degree program consisting of the core area 'Literature and Culture in the Franco-German Context' (120 CP) and the supplementary area 'Law' (30 CP). It is an integrated degree program offered by the Institute of Romance Philology at Freie Universität Berlin together with the Département d'Études Germaniques at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3. Graduates receive a double degree, i.e. a Bachelor of Arts from Freie Universität and a Licence from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. The program is also sponsored by the Franco-German University (DFH), which also awards a diploma.

The program is divided into three study phases: students from both sides complete the first year at their respective home university, in the second year they all study at Freie Universität and in the third year they all study at Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle - Paris 3.

In the 'Philology' field of study, students receive a basic academic education in the fields of literature and linguistics. In addition to lectures and seminars on French literature and language, they also attend courses on German literature.

In the area of language acquisition, students are taught at the highest level by native French speakers. The practical language lessons train skills that are geared towards professional and university requirements in France. Innovative course formats, such as language work in German-French tandem, promote the development of intercultural competencies and excellent editorial skills. During their studies abroad at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, students expand their knowledge of German and French linguistics and literature and attend further language courses, including in the field of translation. By the end of their studies, graduates of the course have a command of French or German at level C 2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The 'Culture, History, Society' field of study offers students a well-founded insight into the culture, politics and history of France and Germany from a decidedly comparative perspective. During the first two semesters, two project seminars are held (in Paris in the spring and in Berlin in the fall), in which students deal with the theory and practice of cultural mediation in a Franco-German context. The field of study 'Culture, History, Society' is accentuated by the special courses offered by the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 in the third year of study: Here, students focus primarily on Franco-German relations from a political, historical and cultural perspective.

The supplementary area 'Law' (30 CP) initially offers a basic methodological introduction to law. Students mainly study together with prospective fully qualified lawyers and can therefore demonstrate sound specialist knowledge. The legal systems of both countries and Europe as well as specific legal issues in the field of cultural work are the subject of the legal studies.

Franco-German Literary and Cultural Studies is the first and so far only integrated philological degree program that combines the capitals of Paris and Berlin. Students thus benefit not only from the possibilities of cooperation between two universities, but also from the fact that Berlin and Paris, as political stages, leading media locations and cultural centers, offer a wide range of opportunities to attend study-related events and gain practical professional experience in relevant institutions.

The Institute of Romance Philology at Freie Universität Berlin is one of the largest institutes of Romance Studies in Germany with numerous international contacts in research and teaching and an attractive student-to-staff ratio (number of students per professorship). In addition to a very broad range of courses, the institute is characterized by a lively interdisciplinary research activity, numerous guest invitations from foreign academics, professional language training, native-speaking teachers and cooperation with the Language Center and the multimedia self-learning center of Freie Universität Berlin.

With its extensive collection of books and media, the Philological Library offers ideal conditions for study and research purposes.

The Center for French Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, which is supported by the two departments of Philosophy and Humanities and History and Cultural Studies, regularly organizes events (author readings, lecture series, discussions, etc.) that provide a perspective on contemporary France.

Through the cooperation with the Département d'Études Germaniques of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, one of the most traditional German studies institutes in France has been gained as a close partner. It combines diverse interdisciplinary approaches and offers a unique program with a specific Franco-German profile.

1st Semester Admissions
Restricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission (application open for 3rd and 5th semester in winter semester, for 2nd, 4th and 6th semester in summer semester)
Program Start
Winter semester
Additional language requirements
French (Level B2 CEFR)
French, German
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
6 Semester

At the end of the degree course, students deepen and differentiate their knowledge of a field of study by independently working on a problem of their choice (Bachelor's thesis).

The structure and course of study is regulated by the study regulations*. They contain detailed descriptions of the content and qualification objectives of each individual module and an exemplary study plan. The examination regulations define the type and requirements of the module examinations. The regulations specify the credit points (CP) for each module or course as well as the workload in hours for the entire course.


Study phases I and II in the core area 'Literature and Culture in a Franco-German Context' (1st-4th semester)

Language acquisition modules

  • “French specialization module 1”
  • “French specialization module 2”
  • “French specialization module 3 - DFLitKult”
  • “French specialization module 4” or “German as a foreign language specialization module”

Philology modules

  • “System linguistics of French in a Romance context” (lecture and proseminar)
  • “Introduction to French Literary Studies” (introductory course and proseminar)
  • “Literary and linguistic history of French” (overview lecture in linguistics, overview lecture in literary studies)
  • “Methodology and practice of literary studies” (thematic advanced seminar and elective course)
  • A specialization module in German Philology to choose from: “Literature and Culture in Transition - From the Early Modern Period to the 20th Century” or “In-depth Literary History and Text Analysis” or “Exemplary Works and their Epoch-Specific Contexts” or “Literature and Culture in Transition - From the Early Modern Period to the 20th Century” or “Literature and Literary Life in the Present” or “Interdisciplinary/Transmedial Literature” (different teaching formats in each case)

Culture, history, society modules

  • “Literature, Culture, History: Analysis and Mediation” (one project seminar each in Paris and Berlin, one elective course)
Study phase III in the core area (5th-6th semester at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3)

Language acquisition modules

  • Unités d'enseignement in the areas of translation and technical language

Philology modules

  • Unités d'enseignement in the areas of Études germaniques (literary studies, linguistics, history) and/or Lettres Modernes and/or Littérature Générale et Comparée

Culture, history, society modules

  • Unités d'enseignement in the areas of Franco-German relations in a European context (cultural history, political history, history of ideas, current structures and problems), (inter-)cultural project management
Study phases I and II of the supplementary area 'Law'

Law modules

  • “Introduction to public law”
  • “Roman Law and European Legal History - France-related B.A.”
  • “Introduction to the legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany - France-related B.A.”
Study phase III of the supplementary area 'Law' (5th-6th semester at the Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Law modules

  • Unités d'enseignement in the areas of cultural law, French legal system and European and international law
Mémoire de license et initiation à la recherche

* The announcement of the modules is subject to the adoption and publication of the study and examination regulations.

Bachelor's graduates have academic knowledge and practical skills that qualify them for a career or a further course of study.

The Bachelor's degree course qualifies graduates to work in various professional fields, such as science, librarianship and publishing, press and other media, adult education, cultural management and mediation, organizational and communication management or public relations. Graduates' qualifications qualify them in particular for positions or fields of activity in intermediary functions, for example in cultural mediation or scientific organization. The degree opens up the possibility of deepening the knowledge acquired during the course of study as part of a research-oriented or application-oriented Master's degree program in philological or interdisciplinary perspectives.

The acquisition of additional qualifications, as taught in the General Career Preparation (ABV) area, as well as early orientation with regard to broader employment opportunities and personal application strategy are of great importance for a successful career start.

A Master's degree and possibly a doctorate are prerequisites for managerial positions or employment in research and teaching.