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Elementary Education

This study program is in German and requires a language proficiency level of C1 or higher.

Applicants who are interested in selecting the focal subjects English or French have to partake in and successfully pass a language test during the middle of July, held by the language center of the university.

- Mono bachelor with teacher training for elementary schools

The study of elementary education is structured transdisciplinary. This subject combines general pedagogical, educational science, didactic and specialist study content, which forms the basis of professional thinking and acting in the elementary school work-field.

It is possible to choose between the following subjects as part of the elementary education course:


Scientific content:

  • Linguistics
  • Introduction to modern German literature
  • Text analysis
  • German literary history and grammar
  • Subject didactic content:
  • Oral and written skills at elementary school level
  • Processes of language and reading experience, language reflection
  • Processes of learning for storytelling and media reception
  • Processes of writing acquisition and text production


Arithmetic, elementary number theory, elementary functions, elementary geometry, data analysis and random modeling are taught as specialist focal topics in mathematics. From a didactic perspective, concepts and curricular drafts for mathematics lessons, aspects of meaning construction, forms of performance measurement and performance assessment as well as the evaluation of teaching processes, lecture settings and the diagnosis of learning difficulties/impairments are also dealt with.

Social Studies

Social studies classes are designed to provide children with a setting that grants opportunities to explore the world and develop basic knowledge about the world and society. The subject social studies in combination with the subjects social sciences, as well as in connection with natural sciences therefore can convey content, structures and contexts for the meaning of the social, natural and technical world. Subject-didactic course contents are theories, approaches and concepts, research results and methods related to teaching and natural sciences.

Specifically in connection with the subject natural sciences, social studies students learn to give an insight into how technical foundations are laid in for example biology, chemistry and physics, while in social studies in combination with social sciences, two of the subject areas are history, politics and geography through which technical basis are dealt with.

Special Needs Education

In the subject specialization special needs education, students go through an intensive examination of inclusion in the school context. The contents of the course aim to convey technical, theoretical and methodological skills in the field of special needs education with particular reference to specific difficulties/impairments in the areas of learning, language and behavior development as well as disadvantages due to language and social circumstances. The focus of the course is therefore on emotional and social development during childhood and adolescence, language and learning, which are of particular importance in the field of schools meeting the standards of inclusion.


English proficiency (level B2.2 CEFR) must be demonstrated for the compulsory elective subject English. In the subject English students focus on the language, literatures, and cultures of the Anglophone world. The major areas of the subject include linguistics, literary studies, medieval studies, and cultural studies. The subject focus consists of practical language and technical parts. This is a practical language course that promotes the receptive and productive mastery of spoken and written English for use in technical and professional contexts.


Proof of knowledge of French (level B1 CEFR) is required for the compulsory elective subject French. In the French major, the language, literatures and cultures of the francophone language area are elementary components of the course. The subject also consists of technical and practical language parts. The major areas of the subject include language practice, linguistics, literature and regional studies.

Art and Music (Universität der Künste)

The specialization subject art and music is only offered at the Berlin Universität der Künste (UdK) and can only be studied there. In the bachelor's degree elementary education Freie Universität it is made possible to study this subject in this area because of a cooperation between both universities in these subjects. In this case, the University of the Arts is always the main university of the enrolled student. Please find out more about the content and application modalities at the university.

Interdisciplinary topics

The bachelor's degree elementary education is studied with one of the respective listed combination of subjects, as well as modules from the field of study related to teaching professions (LBW). The area of study related to teaching professions (LBW) is a mandatory part of the bachelor’s degree in elementary education for successful completion of the degree.

Contents of the teaching profession-related professional science are the planning, implementation, analysis and reflection of learning situations and learning arrangements, the role and tasks of teachers, insights into learning opportunities and opportunities, learning impairments and conflicts in education and training processes, as well as appropriate ways of dealing with them. The organizational, structural and personal framework of conditions as well as the pedagogical concepts and programs on which the school work is based on are also important topics; equality policy and inclusion pedagogical questions, social values and norms as well as questions of language education are also addressed.

Furthermore, a module must be taken in the supplementary area of the Bachelor of Elementary Education, which can be continued thematically in the supplementary area of the continued Master of Education. Modules can be choose from in the areas of: Diversity and communicative competence, information and media competence, musical and aesthetic education (MÄErz), organizational and management competence as well as foreign languages (Arabic, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish).

With the subject art and music at the University of the Arts, the area musical and aesthetic education (MÄErz) is mandatory. In the subject of special needs education, dealing with research methods in the context of inclusion is mandatory.

In the interdisciplinary elementary education course at Freie Universität Berlin, students not only experience research-oriented, but also practical teaching from lecturers who come from various scientific areas and fields of work.

The Freie Universität Berlin and in particular the elementary education course are explicitly family friendly. Granting compatibility of study and family is supported in the best possible way.

At the beginning of their studies, during the orientation week all new students are extensively introduced to each other, the lecturers, and the subject structure in general. Students are continuously supported during their studies by the departmental advisory service and are given support in solving all issues that may arise.

1st Semester Admissions
Restricted admission (Application in the Dialog-oriented Service Procedure - DoSV)
Admission for Higher Semesters
Restricted admission (application open for 3rd and 5th semester in winter semester, for 2nd, 4th and 6th semester in summer semester)
Program Start
Winter semester
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
6 Semester