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What does it mean if I have a hold on my account?

There are a number of different reasons why there might be holds on your account affecting your registration renewal. Please be aware of the registration renewal deadline. This is always the last Friday of the teaching period. For the exact date, please refer to the academic calendar.

  • “Please get in touch”: We have not yet been able to process your request. Please contact the Student Records and Registration Office at studierendenverwaltung@zuv.fu-berlin.de
  • “Proof of German language proficiency required” ("Proof 2nd lang. required"): We have not yet been able to process your request. If you have a German language certificate from an external provider, please upload it in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
    If you attended a German course at Freie Universität Berlin, the Language Center will confirm this with us directly. In this case, you do not need to do anything.
  • “Proof of admission to doctoral study required” ("Proof admiss. doct. study"): We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload your proof of admission to doctoral study or to a research training group (“Graduiertenkolleg”) in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
  • “Proof of foreign language proficiency required” (“Proof 2nd lang. required”): We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload your certificate of proficiency in an additional foreign language (e.g., English, Italian, Spanish, or Latin), depending on your degree program, in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
  • “Insurance Contributions":  We have not yet been able to process your request. Some contributions to your German statutory health insurance may have not been paid. Please get in touch with your health insurance. For more information, please visit our website.
  • "Insurance Status": We have not yet been able to process your request. Your German statutory health insurance has not yet reported your insurance status. Please get in touch with your health insurance or any statutory health insurer. For more information on health insurance, please visit our website.
  • “Certs. other universities": You are primarily enrolled at another university or higher education institute in Berlin or Brandeburg. Please upload proof of your current student status (enrollment certificate/certificate of student status, including your area of study) from your primary university for the subsequent semester  in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.” 
  • “Proof primary university": You are primarily enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin but also attend another university or higher education institute in Berlin or Brandenburg. Please upload proof of your current student status (enrollment certificate/certificate of student status, including your area of study) from your second university for the current semester in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate required” (“Bachelor's cert. req.“): We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload a copy of your bachelor’s degree certificate in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
  • “Exm. from previous university required” (“Proof withdrawal (exm.)“) : We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload your proof of withdrawal (“Exmatrikulation”) from your previous university in Germany in the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”
  • “Unpaid library fees” (“Unpaid lib. charges”): We have not yet been able to process your request. For more information about outstanding library fees, please contact the Office of the General Counsel by email at rechtsamt@fu-berlin.de.
  • “End of EinS@FU program” (“End EinS@FU program”): Your Introductory and Orientation Studies (EinS@FU) program ended on September 30. It is not possible to re-register for this program. You have the options of applying to register for a degree program with unrestricted admission or to apply for a degree program with restricted (impacted) admission.
    However, if you wish to end your studies at Freie Universität Berlin now that you have completed your orientation program, please complete an application for removal from the register of students.
  • “Unpaid additional fees” (“Unpaid add. fees”): You have enrolled in a continuing education master’s degree program. Please speak to the coordinator for your department for details of the fees to be paid. The relevant bank details can be found in the “Fees” tab.
  • “Discontinuation of program” (“Discont. program“): Unfortunately, it is not possible to renew registration for your degree program as it is due to be discontinued. If you wish to continue your studies, please contact the appropriate examination office.
  • “End of doctoral study period” (“End doct. study period“): We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload your proof of an approved extension to your doctoral study period in the “Documents” tab (a confirmation email of the examination office is sufficient) and then click “Submit.”
    For more information on obtaining proof of an extension to the regular doctoral study period, please contact your doctoral office.
  • “Ongoing legal proceedings” (“Ongoing legal claim”): We have not yet been able to process your request. Please upload documents showing that your claim in relation to a failed examination is ongoing to the “Documents” tab and then click “Submit.”