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Una Europa Prize Jury

Anna Zanoli

Anna Zanoli is a student at the University of Bologna and part of Una Europa's Future UniLab.

Pedro Enríquez de Salamanca (Furby)

Furby is a Creative Researcher and Speculative Designer for consultant firms, companies and national / local institutions, as well as a visionary of Una Europa's Future UniLab.

Justyna Bugaj

Justyna Bugaj is Rectors Proxy for Quality of Education at the Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Kraków where she works in the field of quality management, strategic management and academic career path in Higher Education Institutions. Justyna is also a visionary of Una Europa's Future UniLab.

Tommi Laitio

Tommi has been in charge of Helsinki´s culture, library, sports and youth services since December 2016. He is also a visionary for Una Europa's Future UniLab.