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Apply now for the 17th DGAP International Summer School!

“The Uprisings in North Africa and their Geopolitical Implications”

Berlin, 19 – 29 August 2013

News vom 22.04.2013

The EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) will be hosting the 17th DGAP International Summer School on “The Uprisings in North Africa and their Geopolitical Implications” in Berlin from 19 until 29 August 2013. EUMEF is a program for the advancement of students and young professionals at DGAP, which is carried out in close cooperation with its long-standing partner, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, as well as the German Federal Foreign Office and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa).

DGAP’s International Summer Schools gather promising students and graduates from Europe, Turkey and North Africa in Berlin. They offer participants a unique opportunity to experience a highly stimulating intellectual environment and to broaden their horizons by attending lectures, panel debates, working groups, and communication and argumentation workshops, and by engaging in Oxford debates (role-plays). Renowned experts, academics as well as practitioners, offer their insights and analysis, and participants visit thematically relevant institutions in Berlin and experience intense joint intellectual and social activities.

Deadline for application is 12 May 2013. For details please refer to the Call For Application.

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