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News & Events

Freie Universität Berlin promotes Medical Anthropology in the region

A 2 day workshop on medical anthropology organized by the DAAD COSIMENA Program with the support of Freie Universität Berlin

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Outstanding Research in Berlin

Seven Clusters of Excellence approved in the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments

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10 years of PASCH being celebrated in Egypt!

An Egyptian-German Education conference to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the PASCH Inititiative in Egypt!

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Impressions from the German Science Day 2018

7th German Science Day for Outstanding Egyptian Doctoral and Postdoctoral Candidates

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Honoring Prof. Gabriel Brandstetter at the CIFCET in Cairo!

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Brandstetter of Freie Universität Berlin has been honoured among 7 other key figures of the international theatre scene at the Cairo International Festival for Contemporary and Experimental Theatre

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COSIMENA Summer School in collaboration with Freie Universität Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin collaborated this year with the DAAD Egypt COSIMENA Program to organize the summer school, titled “Modelling Climate Change from a Multidisciplinary Perspective: How can we achieve climate resilience, sustainable mobility, and tourism in the MENA region?”

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FU Berlin at the 12th Study Information Day for German schools in Egypt!

Freie Universität Berlin successfully participated in the 12th edition of the Study information Day that was organized by the DAAD Cairo Office at the German School in Dokki

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FU Berlin at the AUC Graduate Study Fair 2018

Representatives of the FU Berlin were at the Graduate Study Fair on 29 September 2018 

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Learning Arabic in Cairo while experiencing Egypt!

A group of FU Berlin students were able to experience the Egyptian culture and life while intensifying their Arabic language skills. 

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