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Hegel Lecture mit Hélène Cixous

11.05.2016 | 18:30
Hélène Cixous

Hélène Cixous
Bildquelle: © Sophie Bassouls

Hélène Cixous

(Université Paris VIII)

"Ay yay! The Cry of Literature"

“There must be hundreds of murmuring volumes on the soul’s shelves in order to obtain, by condensation and displacement, quintessential words. Inexhaustible alchemy. In 1907, Sophocles’ atoms return to be sprinkled on one of Proust’s notebooks.

How does this transmigration function?

At the beginning of the beginning, there was the first note of our pain, and it rose from the diaphragm to the sky, like this:


Hélène Cixous

Vortrag in englischer Sprache.

Am Folgetag der Hegel Lecture findet der Workshop "Sexuelle Differenzen schreiben – lesen – übersetzen" mit Hélène Cixous statt.

Zeit & Ort

11.05.2016 | 18:30

Freie Universität Berlin
Garystraße 35
14195 Berlin