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NMUN 2024: Meet the new FU-Delegation

New York, March 2024

News vom 12.12.2023

FU Berlin will represent the Republic of Malta at the National Model United Nations 2024 Conference

The FU-Delegation of Malta consists of 16 students from different faculties who are attending a weekly seminar at the Faculty of Law to prepare for the upcoming NMUN 2024 Conference. Topics are vast, as Malta will be represented in various Committees, like the General Assembly Third Committee, the UN Environment Assembly, UNHCR, IAEA, and the Security Council.

NMUN is one of the most prestigous simulation of the United Nations and takes place every spring in New York City, sessions are held at the Hilton Midtown Hotel and at UN Headquarters. Ahead of the NMUN 2024 Conference, the FU-Delegation will attend a three day UN Study Tour at UN Headquarters with Briefings by UN Staff as well as visit the Permanent Missions of Malta and the EU.

The Faculty of Law is generously supporting our participation financially.

Follow the FU-Delegation of -Malta on Instagram!

The next application procedure for NMUN 2025 will start in July 2024. 

Weitere Informationen bei:

Dr. Peggy Wittke
Model United Nations/Model European Union
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
Van't-Hoff-Str. 8, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 838 547 05
E-Mail: peg@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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