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Mapping Sustainabilty

UNICA and Freie Universität Berlin have partnered together to make transparent the scope of sustainability structures and activities at UNICA member universities, aiming to improve the terms of cooperation within UNICA. A survey from Freie Universität Berlin was distributed in 2017 to all UNICA members with questions about sustainability governance, implementation, communication strategies, and reporting practices at the respective universities. More than 50% of UNICA member universities participated in the survey and the team from Freie Universität Berlin has summarized the key findings in the map below.

<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1kwRYkb0tY4cYXMJqOVyCn726WpZmS8eA" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Google Maps

The results in a nutshell:

The survey findings show that universities manage sustainability in a variety of ways. The key sustainability activities do not take a common form, and the focus of such activities is often generated by the organically developed structures, practices and foci of the universities. This diversity shows a high potential for a fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences in all areas of universities: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and campus management.

UNICA member universities that have responded to the survey are marked with a green flag, and all other UNICA members are marked in blue. If you are a UNICA member and have not yet responded to the survey, please contact Andreas Wanke, Head of the Unit for Sustainability & Energy Management, Freie Universität Berlin: Andreas.Wanke@fu-berlin.de

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