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Governing Nuclear Waste Conference

News vom 05.08.2016

Nuclear waste disposal – national problems with global concern.

The problem of how and where to dispose nuclear waste poses a challenge to nations all around the globe. In September, FUB’s Environmental Policy Research Center and the research platform ENTRIA (the acronym stands in German for: Disposal Options for Radioactive Residues: Interdisciplinary Analyses and Development of Evaluation Principles) invite to a conference addressing this problem. Within keynote lectures, consecutive panels, roundtables and a study trip, international speakers and participants will exchange their views on the complex task of governing nuclear waste.

The conference will take place from September 19 to September 20, 2016 at the Harnack-Haus. You can find the complete program here.
If you would like to attend the conference, please register by September 1, 2016.

When: September 19 – 20, 2016

Where: Harnack-Haus, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin

Contact for registration: Dörte Themann, alpha@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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