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UAS Conference goes digital!

Im Rahmen des UNICA Green Roundtable diskutieren wir mit unseren europäischen Partnern, welchen Einfluss die Corona Pandemie auf unsere Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie hatte.

News vom 23.06.2020

Die Veranstaltung findet virtuell  von 10-12 Uhr am 25. Juni statt.

Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen:

The UNICA Green Working Group has organized a Round Table open to ALL UNICA member universities on the impact of COVID-19 on sustainability strategies at universities.

The Round Table will take place on Thursday 25 June (10:00 – 12:00 CEST) via the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82884144042.

The round table will have an informal format and will provide an opportunity to UNICA members to share experiences, challenges, good practices and lessons learned during the COVID-19 crisis.

A short introduction by UNICA President Prof. Luciano Saso will be followed by short contributions by UNICA members and by open discussion with the participants. 

The round table also aims at exploring the interest of other UNICA members to join the UNICA Green Working Group.


REGISTRATION: Participants are kindly invited to register here


Dates: Thursday, 25 June, 2020

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