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Letters from … 2015/16

...eight countries and four continents. Today, we are kicking off a campus.leben series in which a nine-person group made up of students, doctoral candidates, and an apprentice reports regularly from abroad.

In 2015/16 nine individuals sent letters from all over the world.

In 2015/16 nine individuals sent letters from all over the world.
Image Credit: Photos: personal collections; Collage: Katrin Plank-Sabha

Whether it’s 500 kilometers or 5,000 – the decision to spend a certain time abroad during one’s studies or apprenticeship is a big one. Every year, more than 1,000 students from Freie Universität take this step. We want to know how they are doing there: How was their first day on campus? How are the lodgings, and what are the people like? What do they miss, what are they excited about, what do they find astonishing – and what will their lasting impressions be?

Six students, two doctoral candidates, and an apprentice from Freie Universität will be reporting for us from abroad over the months to come, sending their “Letters from...” contributions directly to campus.leben. Every two weeks, they will write about what they have experienced and noticed in the meantime.

Here, we introduce our nine travelers:

(as pictured, from top left to bottom right)

Louis Potthoff, Berkeley (California, USA)

Robert Brundage, Edmonton (Canada)

Estefanía González, Mexico City (Mexico)

Luise Müller, New York City (New York, USA)

Janna Einöder, Longyearbyen (Spitzbergen, Norway)

Helena Winterhager, Oxford (UK)

Nora Lessing, Taipei (Taiwan)

Marlon Bachmann, Maputo (Mozambique)

Salome Bader, Muscat (Oman)