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Disposal of Special Waste

The waste management team will be happy to advise you on special disposals with individual requirements from departments or individual institutes. The disposals are mostly bulky waste or hazardous waste. These are wastes with hazardous properties such as old laboratory chemicals that accumulate after research work has been completed.

We support university staff in the selection and commissioning of a suitable waste management company, as well as in the professional handover on site and the necessary verification under waste management law.

You can reach us at Sonderentsorgung@fu-berlin.de.

Additional Documents:

User manual on the disposal of toxic waste:

documents "disposal of glass waste":

Links to the topic
•    Disposal of Building Waste
•    Waste-ABC
•    Information on waste separation
•    FUndgrube Platform
•    Transport of dangerous goods
•    Waste report (only available internally / in german only)