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Searching for publications and exporting publication data

All data and metadata submitted through SEP are quality-checked by the University Bibliography team. The data are processed for machine-readability in the cataloguing system, which allows for reliable transfer of your data to the University Bibliography.

All publications can be searched in the University Bibliography, and publication data can be collated and exported in various formats.

How can I find publications in the University Bibliography and export search results – for example, in order to copy them into lists or into reference-management software?

  1. Start a search in the University Bibliography (simple or advanced search; the latter allows you to search by department, institute, publishing year, document type, and other parameters.)
  2. Click on the green button: "Suchergebnisse exportieren"
  3. Select the format you want to export your data to: RIS, BibTex, CSV, MARC, or HTML (for simple copying purposes). Enter the e-mail address you want to have the list sent to.
  4. Search results will be sent to you by e-mail.

If you want to know whether Freie Universität publications are available at the Freie Universität libraries, please look for them in the library portal Primo.