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The Freie Universität Berlin University Bibliography

The Freie Universität Berlin University Bibliography lists publications by Freie Universität Berlin members from 1981 onward. The tool for the submission of publications is SEP (Selbsterfassung von Publikationen - self-recording of publications).

types of publication

What you can find in the University Bibliography

  • Monographs
  • Freie Universität doctoral theses*
  • Articles in journals, newspapers and magazines
  • Contributions to edited volumes
  • Reviews
  • Conference proceedings, including published abstracts
  • "Gray" literature (working papers, etc.)
  • Patent applications (published)
  • Television and radio posts, but not interviews
  • Editorships

submit data

How to submit publication data

Freie Universität members enter their own publications using the submission tool SEP (information on SEP in German), with DOI automated data transfer is possible. All data and metadata are quality-checked by the University Bibliography team. The data are processed for machine-readability in the cataloguing system, which allows for reliable transfer of your data to the University Bibliography. Targeted searches for publications can be done here.


How to search for publications

Volumes 1.1981 to 26.2006 of the University Bibliography are available in printed format (Location: University Library's Reading Room, Call number: AB 30870 U58/). Volumes 24.2004 to 35.2015 are available as pdf files on Refubium, the Freie Universität Berlin institutional repository.

From volume 13.1993 on, the University Bibliography has been published as a cumulative online bibliography, which allows searches by author, department, publishing year, etc. The data can be exported in various formats.


Please enter now your own publications of the current year using the submission tool SEP - enter the data quickly and easily with doi (19.09.2024)


If you have any questions, please contact us:

Team University Bibliography or contact persons in the Department Libraries