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Teacher training programs at Freie Universität Berlin

Teacher training programs

The complete teacher training course consists of a Bachelor's degree and the Master of Education degree. The latter corresponds to the 1st state examination and enables the start of the preparatory service (Vorbereitungsdienst/Refendariat).

For elementary school teachers:
Monobachelor's degree with 3 subjects

For secondary school teachers (ISS/Gymnasium):
polyvalent combined Bachelor's degree (B.A or B.Sc. with teacher training)

The study area Lehramtsbezogene Berufswissenschaft (LBW) is an integral part of the teacher training Bachelor's degree programs. In the LBW study area, students must complete 30 CP and acquire basic educational science, language teaching and subject-specific didactic skills

Mono bachelor with teacher training for elementary schools

Dahlem School of Education

Master of Education

Available Master of Education Programs

German language skills on a high level are a requirement for applying for, and enrolling into, an Educational Bachelor’s degree program and Master of Education programs. The following information is therefore only available in German.

Further Information and Resources:

Studienberatung und Psychologische Beratung

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