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Second Application Round: DAAD Bridge Scholarships Iran

The deadline for the DAAD Bridge Scholarships Iran is on 29 September 2023.

News from Sep 11, 2023

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) administers the scholarship programme “Bridge Scholarships Iran 2023” with funds from the Federal Foreign Office. As part of the programme, qualified Iranians, who had to leave their home country due to the current political situation and are already in Germany, will receive the possibility to begin or continue their academic career. The aim of the programme is to support researchers from Iran with bridge scholarships to start or continue their research project as part of a doctorate or postdoctoral phase at a state or state-recognised higher education institution resp. non-university research institution in Germany. It is open to researchers from all disciplines. 

The duration of the scholarship is three months. The funding must be completed by 31 January 2024 at the latest. Depending on the academic level, monthly payments include

  • 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates
  • 2,000 euros for postdoctoral researchers
  • 2,150 euros for (assistant) professors

Please read the full call for applications here and download the PDF of the call. Deadline for applications is 29. September 2023. You may contact iran-bridge-scholarships@daad.de for further questions. 

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