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Leaves of Absence and Going Abroad

If you are on leave for personal or family reasons, such as a pregnancy, child raising responsibilities, or taking care of family members, your scholarship will be put on hold and not paid out. When you resume your studies, your scholarship will be extended for the length of time you were on leave. If you are on leave for a semester abroad or an internship that is required by your program, you will continue to receive the scholarship. No extensions are granted in this case.

There is an important distinction here to be made between domestic or foreign internships required in your program and other types of internships. Students can continue to receive scholarship payments if they partake in internships in Germany or abroad that are required as part of their degree program. The same applies to semesters abroad. If a scholarship recipient takes a leave of absence in order to do an internship of a different kind, which is not part of the curriculum, the scholarship payments will be suspended during the period of leave.

The university decides on a case by case basis if students can continue to receive scholarship payments while doing a voluntary internship that does not require a leave of absence. Deciding factors might include, for example, whether or not the internship causes an interruption in the student’s progress toward degree completion. Depending on the curriculum, this might not apply to internships that take place during semester breaks or that only last a short period of time (less than six weeks).

You will continue to receive scholarship payments during your study abroad. Payments continue regardless of whether or not you have taken a leave of absence from the university that granted you the scholarship. If you are studying abroad through the ERASMUS+ program, you will continue to receive the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship even if you are also the recipient of a mobility grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

You need to inform the Deutschlandstipendium office at your university if you are planning to study abroad.

Yes. Please inform us as soon as you know that you will spend a semester or more abroad, for either study visits or internships. Please give information on the expected dates of your stay abroad and if you receive further financial support from other scholarship programs during this time.