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Research Workshop I: "Climate Governance in International Comparison"

Organized by Prof. Miranda Schreurs

Considering the importance of climate change, it is crucial to understand the policies and measures being introduced by different major political actors. This workshop proposes to examine climate and environmental policy making across China, the European Union, Russia, Canada and Israel. Combined, these blocks are responsible for close to half of global carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, understanding their climate policies both at the national and the sub-national levels are extremely important. This also requires an understanding of the broader developments related to the introduction of ecological modernization/ecological civilization and green transformation concepts. It is also critical to consider the potential for cooperation among and between these countries. The workshop intends to focus on these questions.

It is the aim of this workshop to strengthen networking between the strategic partners of the University Alliance for Sustainability and to possibly work out common research projects. Bringing together the different perspectives on climate governance will allow us to identify effective levers for climate protection beyond international climate politics.

Prof. Miranda Schreurs, Freie Universität Berlin

Climate Politics and the Relationship Between
China, the EU and the US

Prof. Quinzhi Huan, Peking University

China’s Participation in Global Climate
Governance: From National to Local?

Prof. Eran Feitelson, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ups and Downs of Israeli Cimate Policies

Prof. Irina Shmeleva, Institute for Sustainable Development Strategies, SPB

Russian Climate Politics in Light of the Paris

Prof. Xuedong Wang, Sun Yat-Sen University

The Role of Epistemic Communities for Climate
Governance in China

Prof. Yves Tiberghien, University of British Columbia

Fostering Innovation in Global Climate Governance in a Context of International Transformation: Early Clues from the COP 21 Success and Beyond

Dr. Kirsten Jörgensen, Freie Universität Berlin

Governing Cimate Change in India and Europe – Opportunity Structures of Multi-Level Governance

Jan Beermann & Dr. Kerstin Tews, Freie Universität Berlin

Decentralised Laboratories in the German Energy Transition

Dr. Nikolai Bobylev, St. Petersburg State University

Climate Protection and Compact Urban Structures in Spatial Planning and Local Construction Plans in Germany

Nicole Mahlkow, Freie Universität Berlin

Urban Climate and Heat Stress in MidLatitude
Cities in the View of Climate Change

Prof. Fengqiao Mei, Peking University

Challenges and Opportunities for Local
Climate Governance from a Legal Perspective

Prof. Jun Shi, Nanjing University

The Implementation of China’s National
Climate Change Policy: The Case of Nanjing

Josef van Wijk, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Construction of Urgency Discourse
Around Mega-projects

Gloria Amoruso, Freie Universität Berlin

Governing the Energy Transition in Berlin: Taking on the Lead to Mitigate Climate Change?

Dr. Dörte Ohlhorst, Freie Universität Berlin

Energy Transition in Germany - Transferable

Dr. Sybil Steuwer, Freie Universität Berlin

Energy Efficiency Policies: Exchanging Lessons