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Management Workshop: "From Vision to Commitment: Sustainable Campus Management"

Organized by Andreas Wanke and Katrin Risch.

The Management Workshop is to serve as a platform for sharing ideas and experiences. The program featured case studies as well as various opportunities for networking with all stakeholders of the Spring Campus event. Speeches open to all participants united the various dialogue strands from all Spring Campus workshops and provide a space to share ideas and expertise from research, teaching and campus management in a joint forum. Additionally, excursions, open spaces and overlapping breaks allowed participants to network.

Dr. Bernd Kleimann, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)

Conditions for Change: University Structures and Leadership Practices from the Perspective of Organizational Sociology

Tomas Refslund Poulsen University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen: Drivers for Change – Addressing the University Organization

Andreas Wanke & Katrin Risch, Freie Universität Berlin

“Carrots and Sticks: Triggering Stakeholder Engagement with a Bonus System for Energy Conservation”

Nora Nording, University of Kiel

“’Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’: The Impact of Stakeholder Participation on Sustainable Change Initiatives”

Vera Rabelt, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)

Sustainability in Science - The Role of Human Resource Management

Johannes Geibel, Netzwerk N

Speeding-up the Bottom-up Transformation of Universities Towards Sustainable Development – the Role and Potential of Students

Yang Chao, Peking University

“Integrative Planning as a Tool for Sustainable Campus Management”

Prof. Andries Jordaan, University of the Free State, Blomefontein

Food Security as a Pressing Issue of Sustainable Development

Dr. Klaus Jacob, Freie Universität Berlin

Governance of Research for Society

Carole Jolly, University of British Columbia

Transforming Campus Community Through Engagement, Collaboration, and Creation of Place

Prof. Peter Schmuck, University of Göttingen

Options for Improved Community Engagement

Dr. Olaf Böttcher, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development

Energy Efficiency Standards and Experiences in Federal Buildings

Management Workshop: “From Vision to Commitment: Sustainable Campus Management”, organized by Andreas Wanke and Katrin Risch

The Management Workshop is to serve as a platform for sharing ideas and experiences. The program featured case studies as well as various opportunities for networking with all stakeholders of the Spring Campus event. Speeches open to all participants united the various dialogue strands from all Spring Campus workshops and provide a space to share ideas and expertise from research, teaching and campus management in a joint forum. Additionally, excursions, open spaces and overlapping breaks allowed participants to network.